I've always enjoyed teaching and working with students. At MIT, my overall rating from student
reviews was among the top 5% across all instructors over my course's history (course 20.420, as of
Oct. 2022). At UIUC, based on student reviews, I was named to the "Excellent rating" list for TA's.
Courses TA'd at MIT:
- Principles of Molecular Bioengineering, 20.420 (Fall 2019)
Courses TA'd at UIUC:
- Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, ChBE 321 (Spring 2018)
- Mass Transfer Operations, ChBE 422 (Spring 2017)
- Principles of Chemical Engineering, ChBE 221 (Fall 2016)
Tutoring and mentorship
- Grader for Chemical Reaction Engineering, UIUC ChBE 424 (Fall 2017)
- Design Project Mentor, UIUC ChBE 321 (2016 - 2018)
- C.A.R.E. Engineering Tutor, UIUC (2016)
- © Elijah Karvelis 2024 | contact: elijahkarvelis@gmail.com